Since I am not so good at writing in english, and usually it takes me hours just for writing down two paragraphs (with bad grammar and spelling), I’ve decided to not write this blog in Italian.
But I know that some of you don’t understand Italian, so I’m searching for some solution…
I’m triyng to keep navigation in english (links, tags, etc…); maybe I’ll translate in spanish and english some static pages, such as About; I also can try to make trilingual polls…
I’m pretty sure that I won’t have the time to write trilingual posts, and I know that at the moment the faster way for me to write a post is in italian… Maybe in the future it will became easier for me to write in english, or spanish, who knows…
So I’m asking to you: would you mind if I write some post in Italian, some post in (bad) English and something else in Spanish? Which is your preferred language?
Here is the poll:

(*) MIX: mi sta bene se il sito è scritto un po’ in italiano, un po’ in inglese, un po’ in spagnolo / it’s ok if you write something in english, something else in italian and something else in spanish / no me molesta si el sitio tiene partes en italiano, otras en inglés y otras en español
(*) 2/3: capisco 2 lingue su 3 [specificare quali] / i understand 2 of 3 languages [which ones?]
(*) NP: non mi importa: guardo solo le figure (al massimo leggo solo i titoli) / i don’t care: i’m here just for the pics (sometimes i read the headers) / no me importa: solo miro las fotos (a veces puede ser que lea los titulares)
Tags: administration
ghghgh ho votato MIX… a me personalmente piacciono i blogz multilingue 🙂